Reliable Technology
To maximize customer satisfaction, Suntech is investing heavily in technology development.
Our bold investments have resulted in product line diversification.
Today, Suntech is a global company that can manufacture heaters using a variety of metal materials.
Since foundation, Suntech has not stopped trying to develop more diverse new products using our main technology, automotive PTC Heater, CW heater, Micro Heater, Film Type Technology.
With Suntech’s reliable technology, we are developing and supplying camera heater, lidar heater, radar heater and battery heater for the future automotive market.
Metal Foil Heater
The Suntech can make Metal Foil Heater using specially made electrodes.
These foil heaters will have CW(Constant Wattage) characteristics maintaining
a constant W(watt) value in a series structure.
Currently, the solution is widely applicable, with the special electrodes used being corrosion resistant and excellent thermal durability, many customers are satisfied.
The feature of the Metal Foil heater is quick heating to high temperature. And it shows constant current and heating rate. these heaters have the advantage of excellent durability in operation.
Customer can choose automotive PTC Type or CNT Type or Metal foil type(CW) heaters according to their requirement.